The goodness in these seeds is immeasurable

they are magic seeds, put them right where you need and they will heal.

Cassia Tora seeds are small with a smooth shiny surface, bold that is hard to top up their quality and affordability, their color ranges from green to dark brown and even yellow. They have a significant remarkable salty bittersweet taste.

Cassia Tora has an ancient history in China, the high valued herb is called ” Jue Ming Zi”. The wild crop grows in tropical regions of India and other parts of the world.

They are well known when it comes to the digestives system and furthermore, they help with weight loss. Cassia tora seeds have antibacterial and antifungal properties besides their ability to alleviates eye itchiness and redness. Also, they possess the power to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, the root is used in snakebites and the fresh leaves in the treatment of ulcers, ringworms, and parasitic skin, and as Fodder for animals and as a feed ingredient for carps.

Surprisingly when they are roasted and grounded they can be used as an alternative for coffee because of their mysterious but very mouthful taste. Also, as a mordant in the process of dyeing.

Cassia Tora seeds are the main focus of current modern researches and due to their miraculous medicinal values, the demand in the global market is consistently rising.

Henna is a plant of good luck and prosperity


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