” people, plant, profit”

  • blog
  • 05/08/2020
  • 0

people are the true asset to every successful business, they support increasing the company performance as well as generating positive social impact strengthening the company while contributing back to the community. It’s a priority to focus on social and environmental progress and to believe that every sustainable, thriving business has to look out for everyone in the community rather than just keeping eyes on the short term interests of business financial performance.

“Social economy”  is a principle that aims to the society in order to contribute towards sustainable development to serve the community as a whole, Pushing everyone involved to positively give to the community with innovative strategies to achieve economic, social, and environmental harmony.
Africorp has been contributing and placing good deeds in every region in Sudan since its initiation, providing communities with a safer environment better-living conditions as well as helping with some main issues the community is suffering from such as the quality of education and livelihood. And as a part of Africorp continuous endeavor towards providing the community with a dignified life, improving the quality of education in villages and schools, as well as preparing and helping individuals to live and work in a better more balanced environment, in 2014 “AL-Maya”  school for girls in north Kordofan “Maya” region 150  teachers and other individuals from the community were trained to ensure the improvement of education standards. The school was also provided with solar generator, computer lab, mosque, guardhouse and other tools to cover the shortage in core resources that the region is suffering from and help in creating an equitable educational environment.
 Together we can do better !  to improve and enhance corporates’ social responsibility methods and keep them up to date in order to provide these communities with the best.


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